Tuesday, March 23, 2010

what just happened??

"every mom loves their children, but not every mom loves motherhood." this was a quote that a friend told me from a Bible study she is doing with a bunch of our other friends. "interesting..." i thought as she told me, "that is so true."

i looked down at my nursing son at 4:55am a few nights ago (i have no idea what night it actually was as sleep deprivation is trying to take over my life...) and i thought "what makes people have children?"

don't get me wrong. i am absolutely, head over heels, completely thrilled to have my beautiful princess, my warrior, and my newest bundle of love & joy.

but, what makes someone try for months and even years, sometimes, to have a little one. what makes a mom go through 10 months of an ever-growing belly and body, hurting hips, waddling like a duck, swollen ankles all to go through immense pain to get a little one who can only cry, poop, and sleep and must be fed every two-three hours by only her (if breastfeeding) causing mom to lose sleep and sometimes sanity.

i wonder this often. and, yet, this is my third time around and i wouldn't change a thing.

i think some of God's first words have something to do with it: "be fruitful". every time God made a new creation it says "God BLESSED them and say 'be fruitful'." (genesis 1) and finally in genesis 9, God made a covenant with Noah and his sons and BLESSED them and said "be fruitful and increase in number..."

being "fruitful" is a blessing and humans instinctively know that. that is why we do all that we can to bring little ones into our family who will try our patience, exert their will, keep us up, use our money, and take our sleep.

but, who will also shape the next generation of our culture, who give us endless joys and laughs, who love us unconditionally (even when we royally mess things up), who snuggle with us, who sing and dance for us, and will even care for us as the years progress.

children need and take so much, but in the end, we, deep in our hearts, know this is God's will. because its our children who He will use to change us (to make us more like Him) and to change our world.


Becca said...

Tiff! I'm so glad that you've started blogging again. I love your insight and thoughts.

Love you so much dear friend!

Molly O said...

Oh, I couldn't agree more! I have been stretched to limits that nothing else in life could have streched me to, thought deeper about every subject than I have before, and had my heart filled to the brim and overflowing with more joy than I might ever imagined possible!

Sarah Coggins said...

Beautifully written! I completely understand the sleep deprivation, the "why do people do this?" thoughts in the middle of the night and the overwhelming love. It's almost completely crazy and yet so wonderful. :)

i love jesus, my family, life, and...